Personal Development

Why Courage is Important in Life

Staying true to and consistent with values can improve your life in many regards, such as the quality of your relationships. Among the array of values we aspire toward, courage is one that stands out as both rare and exceptionally rewarding if embodied. Here’s why courage is important in life:

Can Present Opportunities

No one who ever accomplished anything or had great opportunities just waited for things to happen for them. Rather, they pursued what it is they wanted to pursue even in times of criticism from peers or moments of self-doubt. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” – Matthew 7:7.

If you have a goal or a purpose in life, it’s important that you see it through to its natural end; otherwise not only will opportunities fail to appear, but you will have regretted not taking that chance on something potentially meaningful. 

If you do not talk to that woman, you might never see her again. If you do not work on your purpose, you may never feel a true sense of fulfilment. Again, waiting for something to happen at the right time is not a step that accomplished people take. Opportunities will only present themselves if you go after them, and courage is important in this regard because it helps you to do so.

Can Stimulate Mental Growth

Because courage requires you to do something that you would normally refrain from, it can be seen as a tool to be used for your brain and mind’s growth.

On the brain level, an area called the anterior mid-cingulate cortex becomes strengthened, which contributes to increased willpower, and potentially other mental processes like memory and planning. It should be noted that the research article I have referenced here does not definitively say that mental processes beyond willpower are strengthened – it is only implicated. You can see the full article here.

Also on the brain level, I can personally relate to positive shifts in my mental health afterward. I see courageous acts as small victories that contribute to feelings of self-worth, which has a great effect on my self-image. And since self-image is the foundation for mental health, I can operate with higher self-esteem throughout my day. 

As for the mind level, your understanding and perception of courage may change as you will be able to experience it for yourself. You may come to realize that it is a powerful asset offering many gifts while also strengthening you as an individual.

Can Build Character

Your character is complex – just as your entire being is – but typically it is judged by your morality as it relates to others. Though this is important, character reaches beyond the confines of morality, encompassing mental qualities as well. These qualities contribute to a more versatile and complete self, which is ideal for just about anyone.

This is where courage comes in. Behaving courageously in your daily life is a respectable mental characteristic as it is a choice. By extension, it is rare and desired by many. Furthermore, it can inspire others to integrate it into their lives, serving also as a moral good to the world – hence the versatility and completeness that comes from both facets.

Can Attract Women

Courage is an inherently masculine trait, which women are well aware of. The more feminine a woman is, the more attracted she will be to masculine traits from the opposite sex. 

With that said, embodying courage is rare, as mentioned above, so you will automatically be separated from other men when a woman is choosing who to be with. And since masculine qualities in men are declining today, this would give you a clear advantage. 


Personal Development

5 Ways to Stand Out From Other Men

Many men present themselves in unfavourable ways to women through lifestyle, appearance, body language and communication. You can separate yourself in the sexual and dating markets by ensuring all of these areas are optimized. Here are 5 ways to stand out from other men:

Find Your Purpose

It can be argued that the majority of people, let alone men, live their lives without meaning and purpose guiding them. But it is especially men that suffer from a lack of this. See here for more information on the importance of purpose as it relates to the masculine essence.

Without purpose, it is easier for a man to succumb to bad decisions in the form of substances, unhealthy relationships and other harmful vices. Because he is not aware of what compels him to engage with these things, that lack of meaning can grow, worsening the presence of his masculine energy and general aura. Women can feel this lifelessness through the way you speak, behave and present yourself, and be repulsed by it. 

That’s why in order to stand out from other men, your first step is to find your purpose. It will illuminate your personality, mental health, personal character and masculinity. Women will respect you more for your devotion to it and appreciate the benefits it brings to her as a recipient. 

Listen More

Typically people listen on a surface level. This means having no care about who you’re speaking with and what’s being said to you, caring instead about what you’ll say in response. 

Because this is expected from most people, you can stand out from other men by deeply listening to the woman you are talking to. The basis for this technique is to actually care about her life and what she decides to share about it. Further, to actually care about people in general.

Once that is understood and implemented, ask questions and mirror back her words. For example, if she says “I speak French”, you can say “How long have been speaking French for?” A keen listening ability can signal that you are empathetic, charming, respectable and attempting to show attraction – all of which can be desirable qualities. 

Dress Well

Many men see their clothing as unimportant when in the public eye. To these men, it’s simply a means to the end of their day. More of an emphasis is placed on their work, hobbies or whatever leisure activities they engage in.

But appearance speaks volumes about your personality, confidence and attention to detail when in public, which is why dressing well can help you stand out from other men. Furthermore, it signals to women that you value self-care, which goes hand-in-hand with self-respect. This perception alone can increase your attraction level, giving you an advantage over those who lack in that department. 

Learn to Walk Away

It is typically a man’s instinctual response to try to win a woman back or criticize her behaviour and communication when it is undesirable.

In the case of cold approach rejection, a man’s ego can be damaged, making us unpredictable and often acting in ways that we end up regretting. 

In any of the above instances, learn to walk away instead. This act is important for your own wellbeing because you will garner more self-respect and avoid making potential mistakes; and also important for the perception that women will have of you. They’re generally so used to men reacting angrily or upset in some way that they will be shocked to see one take their response well or leave entirely. 

The other side of it is that she may be wondering whether you have other options, which could intrigue her. The mystery plus the respect you have gained will help you stand out from other men. 

Act Calmly

Life can be frustrating and sometimes we all lose our emotional control. However if you’re seeing or dating a woman and this is your default response to any inconvenience, she’ll lose confidence in your ability to create order in times of chaos. 

This is important because we as men should be using our masculine essence to guide, protect and provide. However, the prerequisite to those responsibilities is to be able to think rationally, which is not the case if you cannot control your emotions. There is no external order without internal order. 

To achieve this, start within by maintaining healthy cognitive functioning. Exercise, a whole-foods diet, meditation, sunlight exposure and positive information consumption habits can help you achieve that. 

But even still, sometimes life circumstances can be overwhelming, no matter how much you are taking care of your mental health. Luckily, venting to someone you trust can help. If you are looking for professional advice, try Online Therapy. They offer qualified therapists who will help you from start to finish, plus call, video call, text, live chat and email messaging options to fit your communication preferences. Use the code THERAPY20 for 20% off your first month here.

Personal Development

Why Writing is an Important Life Skill

In school, you’re taught to write notes, assignments and tests in order to achieve a passing grade. But more than that, writing as a practice can serve you well in later life for various reasons. Here’s why writing is an important life skill:

Can Help You Organize Your Thoughts

The first reason why writing is an important life skill is because it can help you organize your thought process in some situations. In my case, I find that I’m able to think more rationally in times of conflict, distress and busyness.

This may be because writing allows you to fully engage in a specific topic, which requires focus. While focusing, you have to structure your thoughts into coherent sentences for your ideas, theories or analyses to make sense. If this is done habitually, like in school or a journal, the entire process can bleed into your mental framework in everyday life.

To that point, some studies concluded that people who were subjected to written treatments on tests were ranked higher in critical thinking skills than those who weren’t. This was of course measured in a school setting and doesn’t necessarily imply that it’s the case in all other settings, but the evidence still supports this idea. See more information on this here.

Can Make You a Better Communicator

In attempts to persuade, convince or generally explain a point, writing proficiency can help you do so more effectively. This is in reference to digital formats such as email and text messaging, although it also applies to face to face interactions.

It makes sense because writing increases your ability to communicate – another important life skill. You’re essentially training your brain to convey thoughts in detail. Furthermore, those thoughts are context and subject dependent, which further trains your ability to engage in real-life dialogue with relevant input according to the situation.

Can Relieve Stress

Conveying your thoughts through writing is essentially the same thing as speaking in that they’re both a form of outlet. In that sense, there’s a therapeutic element to writing that can relieve stress as a consequence. See here for more information on this and other ways to relieve stress.

This is especially true when you journal as you can write about anything that comes to mind, including problems you might be facing. When I was going through hard times, writing about them made me confront my perception of them and what I believed was the root cause. If the problem wasn’t as bad as I made it out to be, then I felt much better; but even if it was, the sheer act of articulating my thoughts made me more emotionally grounded. 

However, if you find that writing is not a substitute for venting through face-to-face dialogue, therapy might be for you. Online Therapy offers qualified therapists who will help you from start to finish, plus call, video call, text, live chat and email messaging options to fit your communication preferences. Use the code THERAPY20 for 20% off your first month here.

Can Land You Opportunities

Writing is also an important life skill because you can use it to land important opportunities.

Employers, for instance may look at your CV and perceive you as intelligent or organized simply based on your attention to grammar – which could lead to an interview. Bloggers can build a large online audience through their valuable input on subject matters, but that is all predicated on vocabulary and grammar. Marketing copy writers use persuasive and strategic language to hook people’s interest in products or services.

Today, there’s more possibility than ever before to set yourself up for success through writing.

Personal Development

4 Things That Disrupt Your Hormones

Living in a world with easily accessible resources and convenient solutions has its benefits, but it can also breed negative consequences for your wellbeing. Among them is your hormonal health – an integral facet of your ability to thrive in daily life. Here are 4 things that disrupt your hormones:


Plastic is so common today that it’s become ingrained into consumer society. In fact, over 380 million tons of it is produced every year from crude oil, with a large percentage utilized for single-use purposes.

What you might not realize if you drink from a plastic water bottle or eat food wrapped in plastic is that it can disrupt your hormones. There is evidence to suggest this is the case for both men and women. 

Studies on animals like mice, rats and pigs have concluded that micro plastic exposure can decrease testosterone, increase oxidative stress in testicles and decrease sperm quality for males. Female animals are affected through oxidative stress in their ovaries, decreased pregnancies and miscarriages. Since humans are also mammals then this data implies that we can be similarly affected. See here for the full article.

Pharmaceutical Medications

In the western world there is encouragement by doctors and other professionals to take medication to combat mental health problems. In life or death situations this makes sense, but there are alternative ways to help yourself if the circumstances are less extreme; namely exercise, a whole-foods diet and daily sunlight exposure. See here for more information on exercise’s effects in particular.

For those who opt for the medication route, be aware that SSRIs and antipsychotics come with their fair share of health-damaging side effects. One of them being that the chemicals can disrupt your hormones.

One study looked into the effects of the six major SSRIs available today and found that they all disrupted the endocrine system. It’s stated that the mechanisms of disruption are different among the six, but each decreased testosterone levels in men. You can find the full study here.


Another widely produced and available material we run into every day is polyester. Derived from crude oil and considered a type of plastic fiber, it’s found in things like plastic-containing products and clothing.

Like plastic, we often don’t bat an eye when we see tags labeled “made from polyester”, but be aware that it’s also been proven to disrupt your hormones. Some research by the National Library of Medicine links it with causing infertility in men. See here for the full study.

In terms of clothing, you can always opt out of polyester-based articles or at least ones that have a large percentage present. Cotton or wool would be suitable alternatives as they’re made from natural sources. Moreover, buy less plastic-based products and go for stainless steel when possible.

Processed Foods

The advent of processed foods has been more of a curse than a blessing for our society. The industry falsely leads you to believe that convenience is a justifiable solution for hunger, even at the expense of your health. 

Aside from the more obvious consequences that could arise from habitual consumption, such as weight gain and cardiovascular issues, they can also disrupt your hormones. Fast food items have been supposedly reported to contain pthalates, an endocrine disruptor. The food coupled with the handling gloves used to prepare it further increase exposure to this chemical. Furthermore, the ready-made meals in grocery stores with long shelf lives are packaged in plastic, which also produce pthalates in the food when microwaved. 

Your best preventative measures are to opt for whole foods as often as possible, refrain from buying packaged meals and fast food, and use stainless steel containers to store leftovers.


Personal Development

3 Interesting Things You Might Experience on NoFap

Aside from NoFap’s more obvious associated experiences like increased energy and motivation, there are others that are subtler with their own potential benefits. Keep in mind that these are subjective and do not necessarily apply to everyone, but here are 3 interesting things you might experience on NoFap:

Deepened Empathy for Others

Depending on how empathetic you already are, you might experience deepened empathy for others on NoFap.

In my experience, my general emotional responses to situations are actually stronger on NoFap, but luckily I’m able to regulate them. This is also the case for me when considering another’s point of view in conversation or reading their body language. There’s a strong sense of understanding that is levels above what would be experienced if not on this practice.

There are many anecdotal accounts of this that you can find on YouTube, as well as one here from Gary Wilson’s forum

Heightened Awareness

Another interesting thing you might experience on NoFap is heightened awareness of your surroundings and of yourself.

In the case of your surroundings, it’s likely that you’ll be able to pick up on social cues with more ease or scan an environment quicker. This combined with increased energy and motivation from the practice will propel you to take action accordingly in the world. 

In terms of yourself, you might notice negative thought patterns or bad habits that were once subconscious processes. What was once subconscious becomes conscious, which better enables you to make any necessary changes to improve your life. As with anything, awareness is the foundation for change. 

To enhance your awareness further, ensuring you’re living a general healthy lifestyle is critical. Among the other practices to integrate into your life, I’d recommend meditation as one of the most important. I’m not as consistent with it as I used to be, but I can attest that then I was, my level of self and outer awareness were at their best. 

For beginners looking to learn more, try Headspace. They offer a range of instructions for best practice techniques as well as guided sessions for specific states such as mindfulness and sleep. Get started with your first two weeks free here.

Creative Thought Processes

You might experience creative thought processes in the form of sudden ideas or the ability to think outside the box to solve problems while on NoFap.

Since you’re abstaining from the constant depletion of dopamine, there lies more space in your brain for the experience of pleasure and less space for brain fog. In the case of the latter, less brain fog could equate to more clarity for your brain to work at a higher capacity. This could explain the creativity that some people document on the practice.

See here for some documented accounts on the official NoFap forum.


Personal Development

What I Do When I Relapse on NoFap

NoFap is a practice I’m grateful to have discovered, but I’m equally grateful to have evolved my frame of mind around relapsing. Instead of feeling hopelessness and disappointment, I now approach it with more acceptance and action toward improvement. Here’s what I do when I relapse on NoFap:

Remind Myself That I’m Human

Along with the mental emphasis I place on accepting what I’ve done, I also ensure I remind myself that as a human, I’m prone to making mistakes. This is a key prerequisite in order to recover from a relapse on NoFap.

It’s useful because it separates your self-identity from perfection, which relieves stress. And stress-relief reduces the probability of a further relapse (or binge). 

Take a Cold Shower

The positive effects that cold water exposure can have on your brain, body and mind should not be understated. And when it comes to what I do after I relapse on NoFap, cold showers are among the most important steps for me in the recovery process.

If on the off chance I do feel more disappointment than usual in what I’ve done, a cold shower helps my mental health. One of the ways it does this is by sending electrical impulses from nerve endings to the brain, which has a potentially anti-depressive effect. See here for a study done on this.

Furthermore, the sheer shock from the temperature boosts alertness and energy, which comes in handy when you’re feeling drained from a relapse on NoFap.

Anaerobic Exercise

I’ve found that whether it’s for one minute or thirty minutes, some sort of anaerobic exercise makes me feel better after a relapse on NoFap.

Spilling your seed can deplete your testosterone levels, and anaerobic exercise can boost it. This surge can increase your confidence and improve your general outlook. See here for more information on this.

Read Something

Reading is a great way to learn, and the act itself requires enough focus that it can take your mind off of present problems. This includes a relapse on NoFap.

In my case, the medium doesn’t matter; as long as I’m immersed in the material, it could be a news article or a book. 

The reality is that we’re all prone to overthinking – even if you initially tell yourself all the right things post-relapse – so reading is another preventative measure you can take to avoid that.

Consume Nutrient-Dense Foods

A relapse on NoFap depletes your body of nutrients such as vitamin C, B12 and zinc, but in small amounts. This information is cited by Dr. Michael Reitano, M.D., a physician who specializes in sexual health. See here for the full article from

But even if it’s a fractional amount that you’re losing, you’re still losing nutrients that you otherwise could have gained by doing something that promotes your sexual health.

That’s why another step I take to recover from a relapse on No-Fap is consume whole foods, whether it’s fruits, vegetables or meat. 

Do Some Work

Similar to the consequence of reading, working has the ability to take my mind off a relapse. Specifically, writing content for my blog.

This makes it harder to ruminate on the mistake I made, which further reduces stress. 

There is a true sense of enjoyment in the content I write about, and finding a suitable website platform for it was made easy through Bluehost. They not only saved me a lot of money in my first year with them, but they also make their templates, plugins and general layout easy to understand. Get started here if you’re looking for somewhere to start blogging or promoting another type of business. 


Personal Development

5 Psychological Tricks to Maximize a Woman’s Interest

When you’re seeing a woman, it’s very likely that she’ll want some sort of unpredictability from you – whether it’s from your general routine or specifically from the attention you show her. It displays an intriguing side to you since you won’t be viewed as too boring. If you’re new to this concept, here are 5 psychological tricks to maximize a woman’s interest:

Make a Solid First Impression

It should be known that in order for any of the following psychological tricks to work with a woman, you have to make a solid first impression.

This means that on your first date, your ability to attract her through charm, personality, intelligence, body language and appearance will dictate how much she cares for you after that point. If you don’t spark her interest initially, she won’t care for anything you do. 

This step heavily depends on you. If your style is more calm and smooth, use that. If it’s more loud and humorous, then use that.

Don’t completely switch who you are in the hopes of attracting her, because not only can she see through that, but you might also end up regretting being inauthentic.

However, also be open to pushing past your comfort zone and trying something you haven’t done before. For example, if you have a track record of showering women with compliments on first dates that never lead anywhere, try reserving your compliments for the next time you see her (if there is a next time).

Don’t Text Her After a First Date

Even if a woman thinks you’re very interested after the first date, the no contact rule afterwards will have her second guessing.

The reason this maximizes her interest is because her doubt in yours creates mystery. And mystery creates a sense of unpredictability.

 Predictability bores the majority of women, so even the slightest sense of the inverse has an alluring effect.

As tempting as it will be to text her, don’t do it. Wait until she does as this signals that she really wants to see you again.

If she doesn’t, remember to think abundantly and wait for the woman who passes this test.

Show Her You Have Priorities

If a woman texts you but you’re busy with something else, tell her that.

You don’t even need to tell her what you’re doing – the thought alone that you need to limit distractions suggests that you’re taking life seriously, which she’ll be drawn to. Because it doesn’t come across like you’re trying to impress her, this is one of the more subtle of the psychological tricks.

But don’t blow her off because you want to make her think you have better things to do. If you tell her you’re busy, actually be busy. Lying will only dampen your own self-image, which can hurt self-confidence.

See here for more information on why confidence depends on self-image. 

Think and Behave Confidently Around Her

Most women can agree that a self-confident, self-assured man is very desirable. Men who properly integrate this into their personalities are seen as capable in times of distress or catastrophe and willing to stand up for themselves if confronted. These qualities are masculine, hence why such men are desired.

But be prepared to actually prove you’re confident if you’re tested in any way, otherwise it’s just a facade that she’ll respect you less for displaying.

Furthermore, ensure your lifestyle is such that you’re able to truly feel confident, since that’s the basis for all confident behaviour.

Your mental health, among other things, will dictate how confidently you feel and behave around anyone. If you’re struggling and are looking for professional advice, try Online Therapy. They offer qualified therapists who will help you from start to finish, plus call, video call, text, live chat and email messaging options to fit your communication preferences. Use the code THERAPY20 for 20% off your first month here.

Have Other Options

It’s in your best interest to have at least one other woman that you’re seeing while seeing a new woman in your life.

It not only expands your options if things don’t work out, but it also signals that you have the capacity to attract other women.

This is a view that she’ll secretly like, but she won’t say that once she finds out. It’s likely that she’ll react angrily or in a disinterested manner because it’s not socially acceptable to be forthcoming about having more than one woman in your life.

In reality, women like men who are desired by other women. It usually means they’re exceptional physically, mentally, resourcefully, or all of the above.

Personal Development

Why It’s Okay to Change Your Beliefs

Some people tend to associate their beliefs with their identities, as if attachment to those beliefs must be concrete for life. If this is you, understand that personal life experience can change your perspective – and that’s okay. This is why it’s okay to change your beliefs:

Stimulates Your Curiosity 

As you age, the known part of your reality can take up more importance than the unknown. Seeing life for how it is, whether through your own experience or depicted in the media, can lead to acceptance that what you see is all you need to know. 

Not to mention that getting older also entails more responsibility, so it’s easy to get fixated on the day-to-day grind and lose sight of learning new things. 

As a kid, this was not the case. You were limited in life experience so your way to make up for that was to explore new ideas, new places, new experiences, and new beliefs. 

Exploration is just curiosity, and curiosity makes life more interesting. 

This should be considered when fixated on a belief. 

Finding that inner-child’s curiosity about a new perspective can open your mind up to a whole range of new thoughts. And you might find those thoughts to be more interesting or meaningful than what you previously thought.

I’ve taken the inner-child idea from The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene, which I highly recommend reading.

To get an idea of what to expect from the book, see here for some of my favourite insights.

Helps Develop Courage

If you’re naturally less of an open-minded person, the thought of trying to change your beliefs might seem laughable to you.

See here for a story I have from an article on personality’s influence on thoughts and behaviour as it relates to this topic.

Even if you’re more open-minded, it will still take some convincing through logical reasoning to get you to change your beliefs. But it’s more likely to happen.

That’s not to say that close-minded people can’t and don’t – it still happens.

In any case, once you’ve made sense of why you should do it, you’re then left with finding the courage to admit to yourself that you may have previously been wrong. 

Wrong, naive, or biased. 

Even further is admitting to others that you’ve changed your mind (if they know you had a different view beforehand). That risks being labeled as less intelligent or indecisive, as mentioned above. 

So taking that step in spite of the potential reputation harm is bold and commendable. 

Courage is a trait that many desire but few embody because it’s difficult to practice by design. Integrating it into your personality will serve you well in life, and this is a small step you can take to that end.

Teaches You Something New

A change in your belief is also a change in perspective. 

A different perspective can be introduced through life experience by meeting new people or going through hardships. I believe that the more of an emotional impact an experience has on you, the more likely it is to consider adopting a different perspective.

What’s also worth noting is that you’re learning something new that you otherwise wouldn’t have. No matter how small the detail is. 

For example, let’s say you came from a wealthy family who raised you to value money above everything else. This molded your perspective on social status, social treatment and personal value. 

Then you come across someone who lives in a dangerous environment and on the poverty line. Their story of trying to persevere through such conditions is so compelling that your stance on the poor is one of empathy now. 

But you were brought up believing that poor people are lazy, useless and not worth your time to engage with.

Personal Development

5 Mindset Shifts to Improve Your Health

Taking action toward improving your body, brain and mind first requires you to have the right beliefs. This is non-negotiable in order to make serious life changes. Here are 5 mindset shifts to improve your health:

Processed Food is Poison

The detrimental effects that processed foods have on your body, brain and mind have been well-established today. Here’s a relevant study conducted on children outlining the potential of a lowered IQ through eating processed foods.

It’s very easy to go with the easy and palatable option when you’re hungry. People are often on the go, and succumb to the path of least resistance when contemplating cooking.

Catching yourself in these moments and training your brain to resist these urges is the easy answer. But you might agree that discipline becomes that much harder when you associate a temptation with pleasure.

Instead, think of what you’re resisting as poisonous, and by extension, disgusting. After all, nature didn’t intend for you to eat chemically altered foods.

This simple mindset shift can lower the chances of you even considering eating something processed, which will ultimately help your health rather than hurt it.

Keep in mind that we’re all human, and treating yourself a few times a week is okay. The goal is to not make it a habit in your life, so if you have that down, you’re on the right path. 

Porn Is Evil

Because it’s so easily accessible today, both young and older men are still facing addictions to porn. Statistics show that the top three porn sites generate 135,000 visits every minute.

This activity has been proven to negatively impact men’s testosterone levels, brain health and mental health when turned into a habit. Read more about the impacts of porn on your brain here.

If you started watching porn at a young age, the familiarity of it can lead you to do so in later life too. This is when the formation of watching it as a habit takes place. 

And that can continue until you start making negative associations with the act. Your brain and mind are tools, and the associations you make with them dictate what you do.

If you see porn as healthy and normal, you’ll probably continue to watch it. If you instead train your brain to view it as abnormal, evil, or degenerate, you’ll feel less compelled to follow through.

This is one of the most important mindset shifts to adopt as a man today in order to improve the quality of your health and life.

Stress Needs to be Managed

Being in the digital era doesn’t help the already stressful times you experience in life as is. Stress has always existed but now it has reached a point of extremity for some through self-comparison between themselves and others they see online.

Data shows that an inability to cope with and manage stress can lead to problematic health outcomes such as inflammatory bowel disease and heartburn. This happens because your gut microbiome becomes affected by it, which in turn produces harmful bacteria. 

On top of the physical problems, mental health can also be negatively affected.

Doing what you can to manage your stress levels will go a long way toward improving your health. See here for some tips on how to do it.

If this aspect of your life is ignored, the consequences could be dire.

Sleep Dictates Everything

From my own experience, I can attest that insufficient sleep has nearly always had a negative impact on my mood, cognitive functioning and energy the following day.

Most can probably agree.

Put simply, sleep is the foundation of everything mentioned above and more. This includes testosterone levels for men – see here for a study conducted on this particular topic.

Andrew Huberman, a renowned professor, talks about the importance of sleep at length on his show, Huberman Lab. I highly recommend giving his podcast a listen as he has actionable advice and references research done on a range of health topics.

For great sound quality and a wide variety of podcasts to choose from, you should check out Spotify. I’ve been using this service for years and it’s always been my preferred place for my favourite podcasts and music.

Sign up here and get your first 30 days free.

Naturally, I’m more of a night owl, so I’ve been able to adjust to my preferred bedtime (between 11:00 and 12:30) and ensure I get at least 7 hours some nights. But sometimes I just can’t get around to sleeping by that timeframe.

If you’re anything like me in that regard, you’ll want to ensure getting to bed on time and sleeping for long enough is made a priority otherwise you’ll suffer.

What should be considered a non-negotiable as one of the mindset shifts to improve your health is that sleep duration and quality dictates everything.

Sunlight Over Artificial Light

When you wake up, exposing yourself to outdoor sunlight positively impacts your energy, focus and cortisol levels for the day ahead. See more about this here.

Even if it’s only for a couple minutes, I try to do this every morning as soon as I wake up. It’s definitely helped all of the areas above and has also benefited my mood,

But if you’re indoors mostly, like the majority of people, you might think that artificial lighting can have the same effect on you. This is not the case.

The lux (intensity of brightness) registered from sunlight is between 50,000-100,000 units, whereas lightbulbs and light boxes range from only 250-10,000.

Since it’s no substitute, aiming for outdoor sunlight rather than its counterpart is another one of the important mindset shifts to improve your health. 


Personal Development

5 Ways Women Show Interest in Men

When a woman is interested in a man, she’ll show the signs in covert and sometimes blatantly obvious manners. It helps as a man to know what those signs are so that your chances of a successful approach are higher. Here are 5 ways women show interest:

She Looks at You When You’re Not Aware

Right off the bat, it should be mentioned that some women do make direct eye contact to show interest. But usually that comes across too bold, so they’ll refrain from it in the majority of instances. 

Instead, one of the easily missed ways women show interest in men is when they check you out when you’re clearly occupied with something else. This way, she can get a better idea of your undistracted body language rather than just your looks. 

As a man, when you’re in any public space, train yourself to scan the area right away. This will give you an idea as to who’s potentially there that is of interest to you. 

Knowledge of where a woman is gives you the opportunity to position yourself in closer proximity with her. Go about your business while scanning her body movements with your peripheral vision.

If she’s turning her head in your direction often, that’s your chance to turn yours and meet her gaze.

She Moves Closer to You

Another one of the subtler ways that women show interest in men is when they move closer to you.

Take the gym for instance. 

If you find yourself navigating to different areas throughout your workout, take note of who’s often near you. If you’re constantly seeing the same woman in your vicinity, she may be waiting for you to say something to break the ice.

This makes sense because women are generally very cautious with their surroundings as is, ensuring they put themselves in the most socially comfortable spot. So if she’s often near you, she likely wants to be near you as she has the choice to be anywhere else she deems as comfortable. 

She Talks to You First

It’s common for men to make the first move, but note when a woman talks to you first. 

This is also bold and uncharacteristic of most women, but the ones that do are clearly wanting to show interest – even if it means being completely nervous while doing it. 

Because it’s so rare, you’re given a good opportunity that doesn’t come for many men. If she’s attractive enough and her personality is likeable, respond accordingly to her advances. You can easily mistake this exchange as mere friendliness on her part, but you’ll never know unless you go for it.

Also keep in mind that even if she isn’t to your liking, be kind enough to at least converse with her a little. If she asks for your number or wants to connect on social media, it’s then completely up to you to give that information. 

She Shows Signs of Nervousness When Talking to Her

Once you approach a woman you’re interested in and start a conversation, watch her body language and pay attention to her verbal communication.

Typically if she’s attracted to you, she’s going to avoid direct eye contact and say less. Of course, this varies depending on the woman because as mentioned, some are bolder than others.

But in most cases she’ll feel intimidated and present herself as such.

Sometimes women are just more comfortable with being themselves around men that they deem as brother-like or unattractive. That’s the reality of it. 

She Follows You First on Social Media

It only makes sense to add social media to the equation since we live in a hyper digital era.

Like the in-person style of approaching, it’s usually men who initiate contact by following women on Instagram. But this is definitely not always the case.

Be mindful of a woman who sends you the first request because this too can mean she wants her interest in you to be known.

Closing Thoughts

Keep in mind that a woman out there, somewhere, will find you attractive even if you’re not the most confident, good looking, or healthy. 

But that’s setting the bar pretty low, since most guys want to attract as many women as they can – so why not optimize all areas of your life to make that happen?

Responsibilities like working on your health, body, finances, purpose, and grooming will increase your chances of attractive women showing interest in you. 

Of these personal development domains, mental health should by no means be overlooked because your perception of yourself can dictate the perceptions that others have of you. Read more about how to avoid creating a low self-image here.

If you’re struggling and feel that a professional opinion is helpful, try Online Therapy.

They offer qualified therapists who will help you from start to finish, plus call, video call, text, live chat and email messaging options to fit your communication preferences. Use the code THERAPY20 for 20% off your first month here.