Personal Development

4 Simple Activities That Improve Mental Health 

With the current access to mind numbing activities and substances, it is no wonder why the younger generation is experiencing mental health problems. Fortunately there are some overlooked activities that, if implemented as habit, can reduce the chances of experiencing such problems. Here are 4 simple activities that improve mental health:

Converse with People

It is no surprise that we are social creatures and have adapted along those lines. Going against the grain in this respect can have dire consequences, leading to feelings of isolation which welcomes depressed and anxious behaviour. 

I remember being at my lowest point after dropping out of university, feeling ashamed of my past lack of responsibility and direction in life. Isolating myself from everyone, including family, made my mental and emotional health that much worse. It was only until I began venting to those close to me that I slowly started to build my confidence back; and realized that things were not as bad as I made them out to be. That was also when I realized that conversing with people is among the most important activities that improve mental health.

Understand that being alone is not a problem, especially when you can take comfort in your own company. It becomes a problem when you are consciously isolating yourself for extended periods of time. That is when you will realize that funny stories, life advice and venting are signs of good health. 

Do Difficult Things

Since we are wired to choose the path of least resistance, it is no wonder why so many people are lazy. Factoring in the progression of technology can only make it easier for your brain to choose this route.

Unsurprisingly, choosing to live life habitually on easy mode has negative effects on your mental health. You typically regret and feel shame for doing something you know you should not have done – especially when there is something you know you should have done instead. Like eating a bag of chips when you could have opted for a whole-foods snack. 

By exercising discipline at least once a day, you are training your brain to basically enjoy difficulty. Since discipline is often associated with doing something beneficial to you, you will eventually notice positive differences being made in your life. That, plus the reminder that you have done something hard even when you did not feel like doing it, can give you self-belief, self-confidence and improve your self-image. All of these are markers of good mental health. 

Use Idle Time Wisely 

We all find ourselves bored sometimes, doing things to make that time less boring. More often than not, people engage in pleasurable activities that activate their dopamine circuits in such moments. 

I do believe that we should all reward ourselves after some sort of work has been done. However, if your default response to boredom is to watch Netflix or scroll on Instagram, you are more prone to damaging your dopamine circuitry. This means that over time, ordinary experiences and activities may no longer be enjoyable, lowering the interest in life itself. A lack of interest and meaning in life is a breeding ground for depressed thinking to emerge. 

To avoid constant temptations, remind yourself that one, life is too short to waste on meaningless activities; and two, you are doing yourself a favour by replacing bad dopamine with good dopamine. Good dopamine means pursuing things that require effort but benefit you as a result. Examples include exercising, taking the time to read a book and understand it, or working on a project. 

I personally view exercising as one of the best activities that improve mental health. See here more information on how it works.

Eat Whole-Foods

There is no dispute that processed and ultra processed foods are linked to many diseases people suffer from today. They also have a major part to play in poor mental health. The Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study found that adults who had higher ultra-processed food intake were more likely to experience psychological distress than those who had a lower intake. 

With that said, an effective way to improve your mental health is to largely consume whole-foods instead of the opposite. Bearing in mind that a balanced diet can deliver the most optimal results, be sure to include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and meats as often as possible. 
