Personal Development

The Most Important Subjects in Life

Outside of standardized education, there are a plethora of subjects you can delve into that can practically improve your life. With so many options to choose from, sometimes it feels overwhelming. It is important to learn more about whatever it is that interests you in particular, but there are some standout topics that apply to everyone. Here are the most important subjects in life:

Human Nature

Living in a highly populated world means there is no escape from interacting with people. You have no choice but to live amongst others, and this is crucial to our development as humans. With that said, as complex creatures, interactions do not always go smoothly. 

You have two choices: walk into the world naively and suffer the consequences, or learn about human nature so you are better prepared for what may come. It is in your best interest to go with option two, which would also entail gaining a deeper understanding of yourself. Lao Tzu said, “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.” Once you are aware of your own tendencies – both positive and negative – you can begin to develop strategies and even empathy when others show similar tendencies. 

I highly recommend reading Robert Greene’s The Laws of Human Nature as a starting point because he gives a comprehensive view of one of the most important subjects in life. You can also ask elders in your life for advice as they are likely to have undergone many more chaotic experiences than you. Utilizing the above two resources will give you more confidence when at work, with friends, with family, or in any public space where you are bound to see familiar faces. 

See here for an article on my favourite points from The Laws of Human Nature.

Personal Finance 

Rather than subjecting yourself to debt, a lack of emergency savings, or a lack of spending capabilities, another one of the most important life subjects you can learn is personal finance. 

Institutions like banks and credit card companies thrive on naive consumers, as more interest and fees can be taken from them. This is just one of the reasons why understanding how financial institutions operate and the options you have as a consumer is so important. It is equally important to understand budgeting strategies, savings discipline, investment strategies, credit-building habits and how to create multiple income streams. Doing so, and implementing what you learn, will bring confidence and peace of mind that you are prepared for bad times while also in a position to improve your financial state. 

YouTube has both beginner and advanced videos on the concepts mentioned above, so I recommend doing your own research through that platform. Khan Academy is another completely free video learning platform. 


No matter what endeavour you take up in life, self-discipline will always be required in order to make progress. This is why it makes the list of the most important subjects in life that can be learned and practiced.

In some ways schooling introduced us to this concept; lacking the focus, memorization techniques and grit when studying meant a failing grade. But as life carries on, we become more exposed to the real world and its increased amount of distractions – substances, sexual temptations, nightlife, and so on. This creates a more difficult environment when trying to excel as an employee, employer, entrepreneur, avid fitness enthusiast, or any serious position. 

It is not healthy to completely shell yourself from the world and never indulge, but ensuring you have the self-discipline to not let those things get in the way of your goals is vital. Moderation is key, but if you know yourself to be someone that cannot handle moderation, then abstaining from life’s distractions altogether might be the best course for you. Remember that self-discipline is not supposed to be easy, but that is what is so rewarding about it once you make it to the other side.

In-Demand Skills

As we progress into an increasingly digital era, it presents a new landscape for people to capitalize on new skills. Examples of some hard skills include coding or video editing. However, some skills are timeless because they have always been valued as uniquely human, like communication.

Learning which skills are in-demand and relevant to today’s society is among the most important subjects in life. Understanding one and then using it to take action toward a project or business can elevate your financial status and value as an individual.

What I would like to add is that some skills can indeed be replaced by AI, but adding a human touch can separate you from the machines. If something comes naturally to you, aligning with your personality, do not give up on it just because of what is happening to the world. Find ways to still make it work.


Health absolutely had to make this list because without it, you are not able to properly understand any of the above. This encompasses mental, physical and brain health, although the three are all linked to one in another in some way.

Keep in mind that the following health pillars should be kept top of mind and practiced as often as possible in order to reap the benefits of good health: sleep, a whole-foods diet, exercise, sunlight exposure and productive information consumption habits (such as reading).
