Personal Development

5 Ways Women Show Interest in Men

When a woman is interested in a man, she’ll show the signs in covert and sometimes blatantly obvious manners. It helps as a man to know what those signs are so that your chances of a successful approach are higher. Here are 5 ways women show interest:

She Looks at You When You’re Not Aware

Right off the bat, it should be mentioned that some women do make direct eye contact to show interest. But usually that comes across too bold, so they’ll refrain from it in the majority of instances. 

Instead, one of the easily missed ways women show interest in men is when they check you out when you’re clearly occupied with something else. This way, she can get a better idea of your undistracted body language rather than just your looks. 

As a man, when you’re in any public space, train yourself to scan the area right away. This will give you an idea as to who’s potentially there that is of interest to you. 

Knowledge of where a woman is gives you the opportunity to position yourself in closer proximity with her. Go about your business while scanning her body movements with your peripheral vision.

If she’s turning her head in your direction often, that’s your chance to turn yours and meet her gaze.

She Moves Closer to You

Another one of the subtler ways that women show interest in men is when they move closer to you.

Take the gym for instance. 

If you find yourself navigating to different areas throughout your workout, take note of who’s often near you. If you’re constantly seeing the same woman in your vicinity, she may be waiting for you to say something to break the ice.

This makes sense because women are generally very cautious with their surroundings as is, ensuring they put themselves in the most socially comfortable spot. So if she’s often near you, she likely wants to be near you as she has the choice to be anywhere else she deems as comfortable. 

She Talks to You First

It’s common for men to make the first move, but note when a woman talks to you first. 

This is also bold and uncharacteristic of most women, but the ones that do are clearly wanting to show interest – even if it means being completely nervous while doing it. 

Because it’s so rare, you’re given a good opportunity that doesn’t come for many men. If she’s attractive enough and her personality is likeable, respond accordingly to her advances. You can easily mistake this exchange as mere friendliness on her part, but you’ll never know unless you go for it.

Also keep in mind that even if she isn’t to your liking, be kind enough to at least converse with her a little. If she asks for your number or wants to connect on social media, it’s then completely up to you to give that information. 

She Shows Signs of Nervousness When Talking to Her

Once you approach a woman you’re interested in and start a conversation, watch her body language and pay attention to her verbal communication.

Typically if she’s attracted to you, she’s going to avoid direct eye contact and say less. Of course, this varies depending on the woman because as mentioned, some are bolder than others.

But in most cases she’ll feel intimidated and present herself as such.

Sometimes women are just more comfortable with being themselves around men that they deem as brother-like or unattractive. That’s the reality of it. 

She Follows You First on Social Media

It only makes sense to add social media to the equation since we live in a hyper digital era.

Like the in-person style of approaching, it’s usually men who initiate contact by following women on Instagram. But this is definitely not always the case.

Be mindful of a woman who sends you the first request because this too can mean she wants her interest in you to be known.

Closing Thoughts

Keep in mind that a woman out there, somewhere, will find you attractive even if you’re not the most confident, good looking, or healthy. 

But that’s setting the bar pretty low, since most guys want to attract as many women as they can – so why not optimize all areas of your life to make that happen?

Responsibilities like working on your health, body, finances, purpose, and grooming will increase your chances of attractive women showing interest in you. 

Of these personal development domains, mental health should by no means be overlooked because your perception of yourself can dictate the perceptions that others have of you. Read more about how to avoid creating a low self-image here.

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