Personal Development

4 Social Skills That Will Improve Your Life

There is no way around the fact that developing and honing social skills are necessary for better relationships, friendships, work environments and other personal endeavours. Whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or a mix of both, there is always room for improvement. Here are 4 social skills that will improve your life:

Talk to Strangers

One of the majorly overlooked social skills that will improve your life is talking to strangers. 

If you are not yet socially adept, engaging in friendly conversation with someone you don’t know is a great way to get the ball rolling. You will come to realize that people are more open to it than you think, which may help you dispense with any pessimistic beliefs you hold about society as a whole. 

At the same time, you are becoming more and more comfortable with simply speaking to others. If this is something you habitually do, you will be surprised at how easily that comfortability spills into other everyday interactions. 

Address Problems Directly 

There are two main types of problems that we can come to realize between ourselves and other people. One is intuited as it is not made obvious, such as off-putting body language from another person or a change in his or her communication style (through cadence, tone, and so on) for no apparent reason. The other is consciously understood as the reason is made blatantly obvious, such as something you said that you knew was wrong to say to someone. 

In either case, addressing the problem with the other person directly signals that you care enough to at least reduce the tension (if there is any to begin with). It might also help to convey what you believe their point of view may be or how they may feel (and be sure to be open to correction in the event that you are wrong). This could lead to an understanding from the other person, thus potentially creating a more positive environment. 

It also signals your level of maturity and intelligence, making the other person more receptive to what you say. If your justification for approach is sound enough, he or she could realize why they would also benefit from coming to a resolution. It is a win-win situation. 

Add Humour

Life is already serious enough that you do not need every interaction with someone to be that way. Bearing in mind that there is a time and place for everything, you can still change the energy between yourself and others by adding a bit of humour.

This can come in many forms, but the most important takeaway is to shift the attention away from everyday seriousness using creativity. Sarcasm, observational humour and situational humour are good examples of this. 

Not only will you elevate your own character by integrating humour into your personality, but people will also enjoy your company more because of it. This can be considered another one of the overlooked social skills that will improve your life. 

Be Honest

You might be able to get away with lying to people for a while, but that time almost always runs out. For example, in social settings like an office workplace where people are constantly talking to each other, the story you tell one person may conflict with what you tell someone else. If they discover they have been lied to, your credibility and reputation may get damaged beyond repair.

Telling the truth not only feels good to you and builds self-confidence, but assures the person you are talking to that you can be trusted (if they have proof of your honesty). Even if the other person does not have proof, there may eventually come a time when your story is tested, and if what you told them aligns with what they observe, they will be more inclined to trust and speak to you. 
