Personal Development

The Links Between Testosterone and Confidence

Maintaining high testosterone levels as a man makes all the difference in optimizing your overall health. And when your health improves, so does your outlook on life. Here are the links between testosterone and confidence:

Strengthens Self-Image 

Confidence truly starts with your self-image because it dictates your mentality and behaviour in the world. 

See my article here for more information on the link between your self-image and confidence. 

Your self-image, or self-construal, can fall into one of two categories (generally speaking): independent or interdependent.

If you’re the independent type, your sense of self emphasizes the separateness of you as an individual. In contrast, if you’re an interdependent type, your sense of self is determined by your relationship to others. 

This could also mean introverts versus extroverts.

In either case, higher testosterone levels could benefit your particular self-image in relation to social behaviour. Specifically, in relation to endeavours of personal gain like status-seeking.

Findings in an article by Andrology suggest that testosterone concentrations in independent people may lead them to use force or obtain economic resources to that end. Concentrations in interdependent people may lead to use more prosocial behavioural methods like sharing.

What should be emphasized is that this enhanced self-image better equips you to take action in life.

Self-love and self-assurance are the foundations of any healthy life, but that alone isn’t enough. 

Translating positive thoughts and feelings into beneficial pursuits – like your purpose, career, or a meaningful relationship – is what will matter in the end.

Reduces Negative Emotions

In continuation to the above, a strengthened self-image from high testosterone levels also allows you to have a more positive outlook on life. In domains such as school or work, relationships and friendships, your sense of purpose, and your own identity as a person. 

Self-love and a healthy outlook on life at large stems from positive emotions. You wouldn’t be able to feel that way if you’re experiencing constant sadness, anger, resentment or bitterness. 

High testosterone levels increase serotonin release, which combats depressive thinking in particular. This is something to think about if poor habits (which you can fix) or life experiences have been negatively influencing your mood.

A study conducted on 33 hypogonadal men (men whose sex glands produce little or no hormones) found that TRT injections reduced depression symptoms.

Testosterone and confidence also bridge together through proper emotional health.

But remember that it’s also okay to talk about your problems to people, as that also helps regulate your emotions. 

If your mental health is becoming a serious issue, you can start by venting to people you trust, like a close friend or family member. If instead you think you may need professional guidance, try Online Therapy. 

They offer qualified therapists who will help you from start to finish, plus call, video call, text, live chat and email messaging options to fit your communication preferences.

You can get started here

Healthy Habits Produce Self-Pride

Increasing and maintaining testosterone levels in holistic ways means developing and maintaining healthy habits.

Holistic personal development is the ideal aim because there are less side effects that come from it, and more satisfaction in knowing you went the harder route. For example, taking steroid pills versus eating a whole-foods, high protein diet to increase your muscle mass and ultimately, testosterone. 

In this case, not only is it easier to take the steroid tablets or get an injection, but it can also produce results that are the direct opposite of what you’re aiming for. Steroids could potentially make you infertile, which isn’t a trait that someone with high testosterone carries. 

So putting in the hard work to optimize your testosterone will result in self-pride because you can recognize that the easy path brings more negative consequences than positive. Plus, relying on grit and discipline leads you to realize how capable you are.

The grind of your daily routine coupled with the testosterone produced from the habits in your routine will bring you pride, and that pride will bring you self-belief.

This also links testosterone and confidence.

Pronounces Your Masculine Traits

There are some clear signs of high testosterone levels in men. Voice depth, increased muscle mass, a higher sex drive – just to name a few. 

These enhanced traits are characteristically masculine. And as men, we want to be more masculine. 

It not only sets you apart from other men but it biologically dictates how you think, feel and behave.

So once the proof is there to verify that you are, you’ll feel more confident. When speaking to women, when working out at the gym, or in any case of social dynamics. 
