Personal Development

Understanding the Differences Between Masculine and Feminine Energies

Due to differences in hormones, men and women display different energies through thought and behaviour. Even though this is widely known, both sexes still make the mistake of trying to force their respective energies onto the other, or reversing them – losing the natural masculine-feminine dynamic as a result. This can have consequences in relationships or intimacy of any kind. To avoid the consequences, you should understand the differences between masculine and feminine energies:

Logic Versus Emotion

Typically masculine energy is associated with logic and feminine energy is associated with emotion. 

When a woman is faced with a problem, men like to find solutions through logical reasoning and then communicate them. But women aren’t satisfied with this approach because it doesn’t make sense to their brains the way it does to a man’s. 

In contrast, men will sometimes turn to a woman for advice, only to be assured through emotional support that things will work out. But they’re expecting logical advice, so this type of response isn’t helpful.

If you’re a man, learn to take a woman’s moodiness, distance or visible frustration to mean that she wants her emotions to be flipped. Be playful, funny or assure how pretty she looks to relieve her tension.

This concept is found in David Deida’s book The Way of the Superior Man, which I highly recommend to better understand a healthy dynamic between men and women.

You can find it here

I’d like to disclose that I’m an Amazon Affiliate member. Any purchases made toward their products or services will directly benefit me through commission payments.

You can also find a review of some of the most practical lessons from the book in my article here. It can give you a glimpse of what value you’ll receive before getting a copy for yourself.

As a woman, your best bet would be to advise a man to get his advice from other men. It will be more likely that he’ll receive it in a direct, practical manner that way. And that’s what he wants. 

I can attest to the importance of speaking with other men that you trust. But I also know that sometimes, your mental health can get to such a point that it becomes unbearably bad.

If this is you, and want a professional second opinion, try out Online Therapy. They offer qualified therapists who will help you from start to finish, plus call, video call, text, live chat and email messaging options to fit your communication preferences. 

Click here to start.

Leading the Way Versus Following the Lead

Naturally, men and women each assume their own practical roles in a relationship or other intimate dynamic. 

As a man, it’s your masculine duty to plan things out, guide the direction of conflict and make hard decisions. 

As a woman, it’s natural to follow the lead of a man in hopes of protection, security and peace of mind. This is her femininity craving order. 

When these roles become reversed, a woman will start to doubt your capacity to be a man at all. Your masculinity will come into question and problems will arise with sex, emotional bonding, cooperation or all of the above.

But I think it’s important to understand that a woman will only reverse her role when you have already done so. The responsibility is on the man to act correctly,

As a man, if you’re aware that you’re going down the wrong energy path, you can start small to restore each other’s natural roles. 

When you want to go on a date, plan it out beforehand so as not to rely on her decisions all the time. I think it’s perfectly fine to get her opinion about it, but ensure you at least have something in mind prior to asking.

This concept is also in The Way of the Superior Man (under the chapter titled “Don’t Force the Feminine to Make Decisions”).

When she’s not pleased with your behaviour and starts arguing with you, acknowledge her emotions but do not engage further.

By calming her down, you’re setting the tone for future exchanges, and she’ll be happier with this approach because arguments show a man’s emotional side more than his logical side. That comes too close to feminine energy.

Or, as mentioned in the previous section, show your ability to guide the direction of conflict by flipping her emotions. Make her laugh or compliment her. 

Small steps are necessary to revert back to the healthy dynamic of masculine and feminine energies. Always keep that in mind. 

Purpose and Love

Once a man discovers his purpose, he’ll also discover true meaning in his life. Some if not most of your waking hours will be spent in dedication to it.

This is the right approach because other facets in your life will improve as a result (like relationships and personal health). 

When you’re consistently seeing a woman or in a serious relationship, it’s natural for her to seek out love and intimacy from you more than you from her. Women find their meaning through love whereas men find their meaning through purpose and goals. 

If you fixate more on the opposite, once again, the healthy masculine-feminine dynamic gets disrupted. If you get so invested to the point where you constantly need to be around her, she’ll lose attraction because you’re embracing a feminine essence. 

You can restore the healthy dynamic of masculine and feminine energies by distributing your time mindfully. Spend the majority of it focusing on your purpose and be with her when you can. She doesn’t want to be your first or only priority.
