Personal Development

How to Make Yourself a More Attractive Man

Your outer appearance is the first thing people notice about you, especially women. Taking care of it will go a long way toward attracting them and altering other first impressions in your favour, such as job interviews. This is how to make yourself a more attractive man:

Prioritize Your Mental Health

The link between mental health and attractiveness is clear. If you are not properly regulating your emotions and controlling stress, you will not feel the need to take care of yourself. Just look at those who fall into depression: they are so distracted mentally and emotionally that they forget to even shower sometimes.

I had a friend who went through this after being broken up with by his then girlfriend; he went days at a time without showering, brushing his teeth, and grooming. Although heartbreak is a justified reason to be depressed, it’s generally best to rely on healthy measures to relieve stress such as exercising, meditating and talking to someone (before it gets out of hand). Otherwise, your outer appearance will suffer as a potential consequence. 

Take Care of Your Body

This one provides a two-fold benefit. If you participate in aerobic and anaerobic exercise consistently, you’re taking care of your mental health just as much as your physical health (see my article on this here). Regarding the physical aspect of it, a well-maintained body with some muscle mass makes all the difference in making yourself a more attractive man. You will stand out from the average guy and simultaneously signal a sign of respect because it takes grit, discipline and emotional regulation to achieve this.

Additionally, a balanced, healthy diet will have the same effect on your mental and physical health. It has been proven that without the proper foods, you will not be able to maintain a nice body – regardless of how often you work out. 

Find a Hairstyle that Suits You

There is an expression that goes “what works for one person might not work for someone else”. This is true for hairstyles as well, as finding a hairstyle suited to your features is necessary for making yourself a more attractive man. If you don’t have the thickest hair, a long hairstyle may prove to not look the greatest. If you have a receding hairline, a buzz cut probably won’t work well.

And beyond the characteristics of just your hair, taking your facial features into account can improve your choice. For example, if you have bigger ears, you’d likely want to stay away from a shorter hairstyle as this will only accentuate the size of them. 

Groom Often

If your outer appearance is the first thing people notice about you, it’s grooming that will solidify the impression you make. A well-maintained face and body signifies to people that you take care of yourself, and this in turn means that you respect yourself enough to do that; which will allow them to respect you more. Some essential steps include trimming your beard every so often (if you have one), shaving stray neck hairs, brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, trimming your eyebrows, and maintaining your hair. 

Invest in Decent Clothing and Learn Style

Just as grooming makes a major impression on people, so too does your choice of clothing and style. It represents how you choose to portray yourself to the world; proper care and execution is paramount to becoming a more attractive man. There are some basics to remember here: nice clothing does not have to have a brand name noticeable to everyone, colours that correspond with other pieces look more presentable (like wearing a black jacket and black jeans with a white t-shirt and white shoes), layering the right pieces and colours can accentuate the whole outfit, and essentials like basic coloured tees or basic sneakers can add versatility to your wardrobe. 

If you’re just starting to organize your wardrobe or simply want to add some more essentials to your collection, you can’t go wrong with Urban Planet. They have an array of basic coloured tees, hoodies, a wide selection of jacket types and more to add style to your outfits. This is personally one of the brands I buy from when I want a basic hoodie or t-shirt for my collection. Click here to take advantage of their 50% off summer essentials sale before the offer expires. 

Take Care of Your Skin

Skincare products are abundant on the market, and though drug-store products work well for some people, it’s best to go with natural ones. This means that whatever cleanser, serum or moisturizer you use should have ingredients that you can pronounce and derive from plants or other natural sources. For example, a moisturizer that has jojoba oil and orange extract in it. This will ensure that your skin is less prone to acne and other skin problems, as it is being nourished by sources from the earth. 

Keep in mind that diet and healthy habits like meditation impact the state of your skin as well. Stress, processed foods and dehydration can negatively affect your appearance with pimples and bags under the eyes. So taking care of your skin is more complex than simply which products you apply.

Take the Time to Make Yourself Smell Good

Sealing the deal with impressions on women can come down to how you smell. Once you’ve hit all the targets above, a fresh smell from your body has the potential to turn heads and garner more attention. For best results, use scented body lotion, cologne, deodorant and a natural hair product (if you have hair). If you have just shaved a part of your face or your neck, you can swap cologne with aftershave as this will have a similar effect.