Personal Development

How to Behave More Confidently

Just as believing in your confidence is important, so too is a confident demeanour. This will prove to yourself and to others that you have a healthy self-image – a quality that is foundational for all people. This is how to behave more confidently:

Speak your Mind

Understand that your voice is one of your most fundamental tools. What you say can change the perceptions others have of you, shaping your own impressions. Of course, life is situational: certain moments might require more reserved, socially acceptable speech, whereas others will allow for more openness. In any case, speaking your mind – within limits and depending on your audience – will convey extremely confident behaviour.

Some people may be intimidated, but most will respect your candidness and lack of hesitancy when you have an opinion about something. You’re essentially telling yourself that your voice is just as important as anyone else’s in the room; that your thoughts are worth hearing.

Do What you Say You’ll Do

Whether you’re making a promise to yourself or to another person, following through with action is another measure to take to behave more confidently. If you tell yourself that you’re going to wake up at 7:00 every morning to acquire more discipline, doing so will set a level of self-trust. If you tell your friend you’re going to start hitting the gym 5 days a week with him, doing so will allow him to trust your word.

The bottom line is that following through conveys seriousness, and this in turn conveys maturity and someone who does not waste time – with themselves or others. Additionally, trust is a helpful social quality in personal relationships and professional settings alike. 

Take Care of Your Body and Mind

Without proper care of your mental and physical health, you will not be able to behave more confidently. There is no logic to being constantly stressed, out of shape, depressed and angry while also being that guy in the room whose charisma is noticed by everyone. It’s imperative that you first develop healthy sleep, diet and information consumption habits. Then, ensure you have some sort of physical outlet to mediate both your physical and mental health. Finally, a further emphasis on your mental health in the form of meditation or therapy will go a long way.

As someone who went through a bad period of depression, I wish I had chosen to speak with a professional. This would have been ideal as I would have been able to receive useful feedback and save myself from a lot of lost confidence. Online Therapy is an online service that connects you to a qualified therapist in minutes. This saves you from any worry of long waiting times to speak with a professional. Take advantage of your first month with a 20% discount here. Your mental health is too important to neglect. 

Hone Your Social Skills and Activate When Necessary

Depending on your temperament, socializing might come easier to you. Extroverts are better at this than introverts on average, however introverts have their own strengths as well. They can get on well with others when it’s a one on one situation, since a large group isn’t holding them back from expressing themselves.

If this is you, your confidence can multiply in public group settings when you at least try to step out of that comfort zone; even one bold interaction a day with a complete stranger or group of people has the potential to transform your confidence. Once it comes easier to you, you’ll feel a sense of natural interpersonal skills in almost any situation. Others will sense this within you, too.