Personal Development

5 Things Men Need to Experience in Their Twenties 

A man is better equipped to deal with the pitfalls of dating and general life when he has acquired wisdom. This is done by moving toward experiences that are uncertain and willingly exposing yourself to difficult situations when you are young. Here are 5 things men need to experience in their twenties:


When you approach a woman, or make the first move on social media or a dating app, you are taking a chance toward something uncertain. There is both thrill and nervousness in doing so, but the ambivalence is what makes it interesting. 

If a relationship is created, once again, there is uncertainty as it develops over time. But sometimes, you are left behind or unwillingly expected to end it yourself. A breakup or sudden halt to the relationship can either ruin your self esteem going forward or propel you to improve in whichever area was lacking while you were dating. 

The drastic changes made to your life could position you as more financially capable, emotionally grounded or physically fit – subjective to your particular situation. By extension, you may also have learned from your past mistakes or inadequacies, which could result in a more successful relationship with someone else. 


As mentioned above, you are taking a chance toward something uncertain when you ask a woman out. The same idea applies when you are applying for a job or trying out for a sports team; the possibility of rejection is always there. But if it happens, it is important that your perception of it is positive.

Rather than ruminating on it with self-deprecating intentions, you can instead view it as a chance to grow. If there was an obvious mistake you made, learn from it. If there was no obvious mistake made, learn to embrace the feeling of rejection itself. 

This is best practiced by putting yourself out there consistently. By talking to as many girls as you can, for example, you are training your mind to see rejection as normal and simply a part of life. You will no longer be phased when it happens in the future – and it will happen in the future in some way or form. 

Friendship Fallouts

As individuals, we all have our own unique set of goals and aspirations. For those who are keen on taking action toward them, it is important to take note of who in your life understands and supports that. 

Friends who fall into that category can be considered true friends, but friends who do not should have ties severed. Keep in mind that the understanding of a true friend can sometimes be formed when you sever those ties, which is why friendship fallouts place high on the list of things men need to experience in their twenties. 

There are further observations that can be made from this about friendship, such as who tells you a problem to your face, who comes to you when others mention your name in a bad light, and who stands up for you in conflict. Perhaps those who were in your life previously did none of the above, while those who are currently in your life pass the test. With this knowledge, you will be better able to choose friends whose character, lifestyle and morals align with your own.

Understanding of Your Purpose

Your purpose is what will illuminate your life in all aspects as a man. One of these aspects is the dynamic you have with women – see here for how this works.

Without it, you may be more likely to make bad decisions in the form of substance abuse, entering toxic relationships or finding other harmful vices. This can continue into your thirties and beyond if you do not have a clear understanding of your purpose – which is why it makes the list of things men need to experience in their twenties.

What is of equal importance is actually making the time to utilize it in the form of a skill or personal project so that it brings value to the world in some way. This will bring you fulfilment as there is proof that you are positively influencing others in your short time on this earth. 

If you are aware of your purpose and are looking for a practical outlet, consider Skillshare. The platform has thousands of courses for learning soft and hard skills – ideal for determining what aligns with you. You can sign up here.

Regular Physical Activity

Physical activity is an indisputably positive habit for your wellbeing and should be prioritized. Without it, you are more prone to suffering from cognitive problems, mental health problems and hormonal problems. 

Exercise becomes especially important as you age since your functional capacities decline by 0.75% to 1% after 30 anyway. Having a consistent workout routine in your twenties can prevent cognitive reduction and cardiovascular issues if also carried into years beyond. 
