Personal Development

5 Ways to Stand Out From Other Men

Many men present themselves in unfavourable ways to women through lifestyle, appearance, body language and communication. You can separate yourself in the sexual and dating markets by ensuring all of these areas are optimized. Here are 5 ways to stand out from other men:

Find Your Purpose

It can be argued that the majority of people, let alone men, live their lives without meaning and purpose guiding them. But it is especially men that suffer from a lack of this. See here for more information on the importance of purpose as it relates to the masculine essence.

Without purpose, it is easier for a man to succumb to bad decisions in the form of substances, unhealthy relationships and other harmful vices. Because he is not aware of what compels him to engage with these things, that lack of meaning can grow, worsening the presence of his masculine energy and general aura. Women can feel this lifelessness through the way you speak, behave and present yourself, and be repulsed by it. 

That’s why in order to stand out from other men, your first step is to find your purpose. It will illuminate your personality, mental health, personal character and masculinity. Women will respect you more for your devotion to it and appreciate the benefits it brings to her as a recipient. 

Listen More

Typically people listen on a surface level. This means having no care about who you’re speaking with and what’s being said to you, caring instead about what you’ll say in response. 

Because this is expected from most people, you can stand out from other men by deeply listening to the woman you are talking to. The basis for this technique is to actually care about her life and what she decides to share about it. Further, to actually care about people in general.

Once that is understood and implemented, ask questions and mirror back her words. For example, if she says “I speak French”, you can say “How long have been speaking French for?” A keen listening ability can signal that you are empathetic, charming, respectable and attempting to show attraction – all of which can be desirable qualities. 

Dress Well

Many men see their clothing as unimportant when in the public eye. To these men, it’s simply a means to the end of their day. More of an emphasis is placed on their work, hobbies or whatever leisure activities they engage in.

But appearance speaks volumes about your personality, confidence and attention to detail when in public, which is why dressing well can help you stand out from other men. Furthermore, it signals to women that you value self-care, which goes hand-in-hand with self-respect. This perception alone can increase your attraction level, giving you an advantage over those who lack in that department. 

Learn to Walk Away

It is typically a man’s instinctual response to try to win a woman back or criticize her behaviour and communication when it is undesirable.

In the case of cold approach rejection, a man’s ego can be damaged, making us unpredictable and often acting in ways that we end up regretting. 

In any of the above instances, learn to walk away instead. This act is important for your own wellbeing because you will garner more self-respect and avoid making potential mistakes; and also important for the perception that women will have of you. They’re generally so used to men reacting angrily or upset in some way that they will be shocked to see one take their response well or leave entirely. 

The other side of it is that she may be wondering whether you have other options, which could intrigue her. The mystery plus the respect you have gained will help you stand out from other men. 

Act Calmly

Life can be frustrating and sometimes we all lose our emotional control. However if you’re seeing or dating a woman and this is your default response to any inconvenience, she’ll lose confidence in your ability to create order in times of chaos. 

This is important because we as men should be using our masculine essence to guide, protect and provide. However, the prerequisite to those responsibilities is to be able to think rationally, which is not the case if you cannot control your emotions. There is no external order without internal order. 

To achieve this, start within by maintaining healthy cognitive functioning. Exercise, a whole-foods diet, meditation, sunlight exposure and positive information consumption habits can help you achieve that. 

But even still, sometimes life circumstances can be overwhelming, no matter how much you are taking care of your mental health. Luckily, venting to someone you trust can help. If you are looking for professional advice, try Online Therapy. They offer qualified therapists who will help you from start to finish, plus call, video call, text, live chat and email messaging options to fit your communication preferences. Use the code THERAPY20 for 20% off your first month here.