Personal Development

NoFap and Female Attraction

NoFap is a difficult practice, but one that reaps rewards inwardly and outwardly. Among them, female attraction has been spoken of anecdotally on YouTube and the internet at large. Though these are personal accounts, this doesn’t make them any less of a reliable source; if enough people can support the same claim, there must be some truth to it. Here are the biological and neurological changes from this practice that can account for the link between NoFap and female attraction:

Testosterone Levels After Just 7 Days

The main difference between men and women, as we know are our genitals and sex hormones. Testosterone and estrogen account for the differentiation between feminine and masculine characteristics and behavior.

And naturally, men are attracted to feminine qualities just as women are attracted to masculine ones.

On that note, we are more drawn to the clear signs of the opposite hormone.

Women, on average, will be more attracted to the man who is in good physical shape, has a deeper voice, is confident, takes risks and is able to regulate his emotions than the man who does not share these characteristics. High testosterone is what allows for such characteristics to be present, and NoFap enhances them.

One study used 28 healthy men who volunteered to abstain from masturbation for 7 days. The research concluded that testosterone levels increased by 10% after the one-week mark.

Though this might seem like a small number, it only grows as the practice continues. So the longer you abstain, the higher your testosterone levels will reach.

For best results, you can pair this practice with a supplement I personally take called ashwagandha. It is naturally found as a shrub in Asia and Africa, and is known for its stress-reducing benefits: a key prerequisite for increasing your testosterone.

I can attest that it has reduced feelings of depression and anxiety for me, and has helped enhance masculine qualities like voice depth and muscle tone. Try it now here.

Discipline and Focus

When your sexual energy is built up for long periods of time, it needs to be channeled. In other words, it needs to be transmuted or else this practice is pointless. See more information on this here from one of my articles.

The benefits you feel from this practice when transmuting the energy are very apparent.

Whether it be showing up to the gym more often and pushing or pulling heavier weight, or dedicating yourself to your craft and sensing an improved quality in the output, you are honing your discipline and focus into a part of your life.

That part is subjective to what it is you care about. Not to mention the abundance of energy which allows all this to take place.

As for the subject of NoFap and female attraction: they can sense your masculine drive. And since it has already been established that they are attracted to masculine qualities, discipline and focus are among the most important of them in terms of mentality.

You’ll notice they will be more drawn to you as you remain busy; a man with priorities is a man that women want.

Social Interactions

You’ll be surprised at how powerful you become in social interactions while on NoFap.

Even for the men that are more introverted and keep to themselves, the surge in testosterone as well as the rewiring of your dopamine system will keep you from experiencing social anxiety or depressed thinking as often.

As a result, both introverted and extroverted men alike will create an aura in which you might experience ease of conversation, more passionate interactions, charisma, the ability to be more witty and funny, the ability to use social cues to your advantage, and so on.

All of this to say that women around you will see this and be more drawn to you. You would have to try this practice for yourself to truly know what I mean; it’s almost as if you know what to do and say in any situation; this, being one of the standout links between NoFap and female attraction.

Typically they will choose a man who has this aura over the man who doesn’t, however there are always exceptions.
