Personal Development

3 Ways to Approach Adversity

Adversity shouldn’t be a new concept because everyone has dealt with it to some extent. When you’re faced with it, you can handle it better if certain steps are taken. You don’t want to be caught in a situation that makes you crumble. Here are 3 ways to approach adversity:

Strengthen Your Mind and Body Constantly

“Only the strong survive” is such a fitting quote when you’re required to approach adversity. You’ll notice that, for a variety of reasons, some people fold when faced with stress whereas some push through. However, it can be argued that one of the constant differentiating factors between these two types of people is strength in body and mind.

Think of the sun and the rain as they relate to a plant’s health. Both are needed for survival; vegetation can’t have one without the other. This is also true for physical and mental strength. They are intertwined and one is just as necessary  as the other. When you see a physically fit person, he or she is also operating on a high mental capacity by way of memory, discipline, cognitive processing and emotional regulation. See here for more information on the link between the two.

If routine exercise is also paired with other healthy daily habits like meditation, nofap, reading, sunlight exposure, or journaling, all of those traits will be heightened even more. You will have more resilience, courage and grit than you otherwise would have when adversity comes your way. There’s no debate.

Use Purpose to Keep you Grounded

Men in particular need a sense of purpose in their lives in the form of a talent or creative gift. It reassures you that you are of value, and this in turn improves your self-image: the most important facet of proper mental health.

If your purpose is more like an obsession, which would be ideal, it would become that much harder to operate day by day without it (because it’s a driving force in life). For those who haven’t found theirs yet, it’s not to be construed as an unhealthy outlet, because after all, your purpose is supposed to uplift you while also benefiting the world. Rather, it’s a healthy obsession – as coined by Conor McGregor.

Even with this as a driving force, you will still have to eventually approach adversity. That adversity could have the potential to cripple you and send you into disarray. But purpose is yet another guiding light you can rely on in an ocean of darkness. You can remind yourself that even if life is getting difficult, you can ground yourself through at least that.

Not only will it psychologically put you in a different place during that time, but it will also remind you of your devotion to your own particular gifts. That should empower you and help you regain some control when control over other circumstances is difficult.

Reframe your Mindset

When you approach adversity, it’s not uncommon to internalize the negativity. Especially if it’s a personal loss, like a breakup or the death of a loved one.

It’s only human to feel the emotions that arise, but it’s a choice to let them take over your life. We have the power to respond to situations more rationally the more that times passes. It will take time if your temperament isn’t inclined that way, but just like a sport you might practice, you can eventually become better at it.

A key lesson from stoicism to apply in these times of your life is to view adversity as a growth challenge. Difficulty can strengthen your emotional regulation and teach you valuable life lessons. Remembering this can make all the difference when you think there’s no way out or no way to progress.

As an extension, what might motivate you further is to visualize your stronger self if you decide to think this way. Your imagination can do wonders to change your reaction and attitude.